Magicians of Love is a Taiwanese drama series. This is a comedy/romance series that's mainly about hair salons. This series is basically about a poor girl being tricked into working at a famous hair salon, Neo-Image. At Neo-Image, Xiao Bei, the main girl character, thinks she's in love with Richie, one of the famous barbers, but deep down she likes Artz, another famous barber and also the main guy character. Artz and Xiao Bei both like each other, but they didn't want themselves to believe that. They go through many tough times and many good times together and at then end, Artz finally has the courage to tell Xiao Bei that he likes her. Artz and Xiao Bei then live a happy life together, working at Neo-Image.
Ming Dao as Du Ya Si aka Artz (183 club) Joanne Zeng as Bei Ruo Yi aka Xiao Bei Sam Wang as Lin Er Qi aka Richie (183 club) Jacky Zhu as Fei Nan Du aka Fernando (183 club) Huang Yu Rong as Xiao Zhe Ming Sonia Sui as Ye Ke Lan Sun Ai Hui as Emma Adriene Lin as Qing Kong Xiao Jie as Guan Tong Tong Zhao Shun as Lao Bei